What the researchers have to say
Researchers describe their work and report their initial analyses.
What do pregnant women eat and do they follow recommendations?
Presentation by Manik Kadawathagedara, researcher at the Centre for Epidemiological and Statistical Research (CRESS), INSERM
Exposure of mothers and their newborns to environmental pollutants
Presentation by Clémentine Dereumeaux, research officer at Santé publique France
Preparing for childbirth by finding out the baby’s sex
Presentation by Olivia Samuel, researcher at the Professions, Institutions, Temporalities (PRINTEMPS) laboratory, University of Versailles St Quentin - INED
Low birth weight in babies: socioeconomic factors
Presentation by Lidia Panico, researcher at INED
Educational inequality: going back to early childhood
Presented by Bertrand Geay, Professor of Education at the University of Picardy, Deputy Director of the Elfe survey
Analyzing the long-term consequences of childhood accidents
Presented by Bertrand Thélot, head of the Injury Unit at the French Institute for Public Health Surveillance (Santé publique France)