International comparisons

Demandes d'accès aux données en 2024

  • Allaitement et caries précoces de l’enfant : comparaisons internationales, Karen G Peres, National Dental Center, Singapour

  • Effet des inégalités socio-économiques sur les infections respiratoires des enfants, Demetris Avraam, Université de Liverpool

Demandes d'accès aux données en 2023

  • Alimentation du jeune enfant : relation avec les troubles du spectre autistique, Siu Min Tay, Telethon Kids Institute, Australie

Demandes d'accès aux données en 2022

  • L’emploi maternel et le mode de garde retentissent-ils sur l’état émotionnel des enfants ?, Yassaman Vafai, Université d’York, Royaume-Uni

  • La naissance par césarienne (via une implantation différente du microbiote intestinal) est -elle associée au développement cognitif des enfants ?, Sara Avila, ISGlobal, Espagne

  • Association de la croissance fœtale et post-natale avec le comportement et le développement cognitif des enfants, Romy Gonçalves, Université Erasmus de Rotterdam, Pays-Bas

Data requests in 2021

  • Maternal diabetes and child mental health (LifeCycle), Rae-Chi Huang, Telethon Kids Institute, Perth, Australia
  • How do early years risk factors mediate inequalities in child mental health and cognitive development? A cross-cohort analysis, David Taylor-Robinson, Imperial College London, UK
  • Environment-wide association study of childhood adiposity, Jane Zhao, University of Bristol, UK
  • A federated individual participant meta-analysis on infant breastfeeding and introduction of solid foods in relation to respiratory and allergy outcomes throughout childhood, Annemiek Mian, Erasmus University, Rotterdam
  • European resource for research into the early life origins of asthma, allergy and eczema across the life course, Annemiek Mian, Erasmus University, Rotterdam
  • Interrelations between sleep and ASD (autism spectrum disorder)/ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) symptoms and diagnoses in children, Sabine Plancoulaine, Inserm, Paris

Data requests in 2020

  • Energy balance-related multi-behavioral patterns in European preschoolers: Description and associations with sociodemographic parental characteristics, Patricia Dargent-Molina, Inserm, Paris
  • Maternal lifestyle score during pregnancy and child internalizing and externalizing problems, Jordi Julvez, ISGlobal, Barcelone
  • Children’s daycare attendance and trajectories of emotional and behavioural symptoms, Maria Melchior, Inserm, Paris
  • Association between in-vitro fertilization and early child growth, Marie-Aline Charles, Inserm, Paris
  • PFASs levels and exposure determinants in vulnerable population groups (European project HBM4EU), Lucia Fabelova, Slovak medical university, Bratislava
  • Socioeconomic inequalities in mental health trajectories, Tim Cadman, Université de Bristol, Royaume-Uni
  • Longitudinal association between sleep at age 3 and behavior and cognition from ages 4 to 6 years, Sabine Plancoulaine, Inserm, Paris
  • Association of Gestational Age on Offspring Body Size from early infancy to early adulthood: A cross-national study exploring geographic variations across Europe, North America and Australasia, Johan Lerbech Vinther, Université de Copenhague, Danemark
  • The effect of early life exposures on body mass index from early childhood to early adulthood, Tim Cadman, Université de Bristol, Royaume-Uni
  • The effect of immigrants’ educational selectivity on birth outcomes, Lidia Panico, Ined, Paris
  • Associations between childcare attendance and age of introductions on respiratory infections, allergy and asthma, Rachel Foong, Telethon Kids Institute, Australie
  • Cadmium exposure among European residents and its geographical variability, Janja Trajnik, Institut Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovénie

More information

The European regulation on data protection and privacy (GDPR) guarantees individuals a right to information about how collected data are utilized and by whom. All these research projects based on Elfe cohort data were approved by Elfe’s data access committee (CADE), made up of representatives of the project team and associated researchers. CADE’s role is to check the eligibility of the projects that are submitted, looking particularly closely at how far they match the Elfe cohort’s research goals, their feasibility, the risk of persons being identified, and the relevance of the requested data to each project’s specific objectives. Individuals who do not wish to take part in one of the research projects currently underway (i.e. approved since January1st) can exercise their right to withdraw by writing to Marie-Aline Charles, either by post (Elfe - Ined, 9 cours des Humanités, CS 50004, 93322 Aubervilliers Cedex) or by email (communaute @